lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Want to have a laugh?

A friend of mine showed me this Lego sketch which is quite popular in the UK, so I watched it and I really had a good laugh.
It's about Darth Vader, his spaceship the Death Star and something going on its canteen.
Here you have it, enjoy it as much as I did.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Map of England

Here you have a map of England, remember not Great Britain not the UK, and some of its main cities.

I hope it helps you all to, eventually see, where those cities you have heard about really are.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Sonnet 29- William Shakespeare

Hi ! I've just found out this lovely sketch with Matthew McFadyen reading one of Shakespeare's most famous poems, Sonnet 29. I do think the voice is extraordinary beautiful and easy to understand, besides the images give and actual touch to the reading. I hope you enjoy it as much as I've done.

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

The British Isles

As you all know by now or will do after reading this, the British Isles are a group of islands off the northwest coast of continental Europe that include the islands of Great Britain and Ireland, and over six thousand smaller islands.

Anyway, as usual, English speaking people do not agree on which term to use so you will also find, apart from the aforementioned, the following ones British-Irish Isles, Britain and Ireland, Great Britain and Ireland, British Isles and Ireland or UK and Ireland; in any case all those terms refer to the same territory.
Etimológicamente parece ser que las primeras referencias a las islas como grupo las hicieron unos viajeros griegos que las llamaron en latín Prettania y que más tarde, en tiempos de Julio César pasaron a ser Brittania.

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

A Hung Parliament

Bueno, como ya sabeis el pasado 6 de mayo hubo elecciones generales en el Reino Unido -familiarmente conocido como Inglaterra, aunque como todos recordais por la famosa pregunta del Un, dos,tres... élla sólo es una de los cuatro países que lo componen ¿no?- bueno pués desde 1974 no han tenido un Hung Parliament -ningún partido tiene mayoría absoluta de manera que tienen que pactar... como los ingleses son como son... pués el pacto es algo muy 'raaaro' para ellos así que aquí os dejo a mini-lecture about what a Hung Parliament is... I hope you will appreciate it.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Another country

Si conocéis la película, el título de la foto es sólo parte del título de la misma.
I think it's lovely!!